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Conduct of Tuberculosis Diseases Control (TB) refresher training
The training of Tuberculosis Diseases Control (TB) refresher training conducted for 3 days in Union Aid Training hall.
In this 3 days training, the clinical staff and...
Conduct of HFM (Health Facility Management) Training
Health Facility Management (HFM) training conducted for one day. The head of BHCs participated in the training. The HFM (Health Facility Managemen...
Conduct of The IP (Infection Prevention) training
The IP (Infection Prevention) training conducted.
The 3 days IP (Infection Prevention) training conducted for Midwives, CHWs and Vaccinators of BHCs.
Conduct of CHW Training
Conduct of CHW Training
The second 10 days training session for CHWs of the BHCs covered and support by Union Aid has started today in Rabia Balkhi Training Center b...
Conduct of IMNCI Training for the Kabul BHCs
IMNCI Training conducted for Kabul BHCs
The IMNCI (Integrated Management of Neonatal & Childhood Illness) training conducted for 6 days at the Union Aid main off...
Conduct of 6 days refresher training
The 6 Days refresher training conducted for the fix vaccinators of the BHCs covered by Union Aid Balkh Health project.