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Monthly Coordination meeting Conducted
The AFV-Health Project funded by AFV conducted a coordination meeting with BHCs at Union Aid Main office.
The coordination meeting with BHCs is held periodicall...
Conduct of the MH-GAP Training
Union Aid ( UA/MI/HEALTH/BALKH) has successfully conducted the MH-GAP 8 days training for female medical doctors, the program saw enthusiastic for female MDs, who engag...
Community Health Council and Community Health Workers CHWs Monthly Coordination Meeting
Union Aid conducted Community Health Shura (Council) and Community Health Workers CHWs monthly coordination meeting at Khurasan Basic Health Center BHC funded by #Malte...
Monthly Health Management Information System (HMIS) Coordination Meeting
Union Aid conducted monthly Health Management Information System (HMIS) coordination meeting among the basic health centers BHCs medical doctors and the office HMIS in...
Graduation Ceremony of Family Planning Training
The 5 days Initial Training of Family Planning which was conducted for the clinical staff of Union Aid ended with the distribution of certificates to the participa...
Conducted Community-Based Health Care (CBHC) Training
Union Aid conducted Community-Based Health Care (CBHC) nine days training for two of its staff at health project funded by #MalteserInternational, the mentioned...