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Conduct of DHIS2 training
2 days of DHIS2 (District Health Information System) Training conducted for Office base Health staff at Union Aid main Office in Kabul Afghanistan.
MDS& RUD training conducted
The Management of the Drug System & Rational Use of Drug (MDS& RUD) was conducted for 4 days. The medical officers of 7 BHCs of Union Aid participated in the t...
The recent floods ravaged Takhar province of Afghanistan
The recent floods that ravaged Takhar province of Afghanistan have had a severe impact on local communities. Heavy rainfall and rapid snowmelt led to flash fl...
Severe Flooding Devastates Northern Afghanistan!
Severe Flooding Devastates Northern Afghanistan.
The northern provinces of Afghanistan, inclu...
Conduct of Nutrition Counselor & MIYCN training
12 days training of Nutrition Counselor & MIYCN (Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Feeding Nutrition) Init...
Celebration of International Nurse Day
Union Aid warmly celebrated International Nurse Day as this is a poignant reminder of the invaluable contribut...