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SMT (Senior Management Team)
SMT (Senior Management Team) meeting conducted.
Union Aid Main Office, Kabul
Conduct of ERT team meeting.
Conduct an ERT team meeting.
The ERT team conducted a meeting and shared their report and status of projects of Herat province Earthquake and Returnees from Pak...
A meeting with the assessment team
Meeting with the assessment team of Union Aid for Herat province conducted.
Union Aid Main Office, Kabul
Recently IMAM (Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition)
Recently IMAM (Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition), was conducted by Union Aid for HFs staff (Male & female MD, Nutrition Nurse, Nutrition Counselor and Midwives),. The train...
IMAM (Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition) Training
IMAM (Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition) Training for 3 days held in Union Aid.
Union Aid Main Office, Kabul
Five days HMIS revised training session
5 Days HMIS revised training session held for six BHCs under Union Aid support in Maza-e-Sharif.
Union Aid Balkh Office - MI Health Project.