Food security and nutrition program for vulnerable and deprived households with pregnant and lactating mothers and children

Project information
- Start Date: 01-Jan-2024
- Location: Auqcha district, Jawzjan -Afghanistan
- Project Status: Ongoing
Project title: Food security and nutrition program for vulnerable and deprived households with pregnant and lactating mothers and children under five (5) years in Jawzjan province, northern Afghanistan.
Project Donor: DAHW (Deutsches Aussätzigen-Hilfswerk).
Project duration: 01 January 2024 - 30 June 2024.
Location: Aqcha district, Jawzjan province, Afghanistan.
Project outcomes:
1. Assist vulnerable and deprived households with food security and nutrition issues and problems.
2. Save pregnant and lactating women and children under five from malnutrition and further harm.
3. Enhance community awareness on breastfeeding, nutrition education, IYCF (infant and young child feeding), and PSC (psycho-social counseling) and saving mothers and households suffering from these issues.
4. Strengthen community people to address nutrition and PSC-related issues.