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Visit of donor from Health Clinics of Union Aid.
Visit of donor from Health Clinics of Union Aid.
Union Aid is implementing the primary health care services (PHC), in 4 districts (Qarabagh, Kalakan, Shakardara and...

Visit of AFV Donor from Union Aid
Visit of AFV Donor from Union Aid
The AFV donor is one of great supporter of Afghanistan during the last 30 years. The AFV donor with partnership of Union Aid helped and...
Emergency Meeting of Union Aid leadership for help of Afghan refugees
The Union Aid leadership held a meeting to help and provide services to the refugees who returned from Pakistan. The meeting was held under the leadership of the execut...

Meeting with head of BHCs and CHS - Balkh MI Project
The Executive Director of Union Aid through his official trip to monitor and visit of MI-Health project in Balkh province had a meeting with heads of BHCs and CHS of th...

Meeting with Northern-Zone Coordinator of health cluster
During the official visit from the Balkh Province and Monitoring of the MI-Health project in Balkh Province; The executive director met with the northern-zone coordinat...

Meeting with the head of Public health at Balkh province
The Executive Director of Union Aid had an introductory meeting with the Honorable Head of Public Health, the Honorable Director of Primary Health Care, and the Deputy...